Wendy DeWitt's Smart Program

 While I was looking for material for my lectures, I came across this very smart plan by Wendy DeWitt. I have her permission to share it.   She has several items - videos, pamphlets etc to give more complete information but this is what her plan entails:

1.  Choose 7 dinners your household enjoys.  Ex. For 1 dinner you might choose Macaroni and Cheese with tuna fish & chopped tomatoes.  These must be made up of packaged, canned, bottled or home canned foods. Determine enough cans or packages to serve the entire household.

2.  For 1 year's storage, purchase 52 of each item included in each dinner.  Ex: 52 packages of Macaroni and Cheese, 52 cans tuna, 52 cans chopped tomatoes.

3.  Do that 7 times for each day of the week.

4.  Keep a record of each meal, the ingredients, where you bought them, what they cost AND if they have an expiration date, when to replace them.  Make a page listing the dates or the month to replace items.

5.  Obtain boxes to hold each week's dinners.

6.  Pack 52 boxes with dinners for each week.  Stack in cool place if possible.

7.  As each week's food is eaten, replace using the same idea.

8.  This works if you want to start small and store for 3 or 6 months or any time period.  For 3 months -  fill 13 boxes, 6 months - fill 26 boxes.

Wendy's webites are:

Blog:  http://everythingunderthesunblog.blogspot.com/2008/11/book-2.html

Sensible food storage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY5kiCzaeYc    Video

Longer seminar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOLuIApyNPc    Video

26 page booklet  https://www.sunoven.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/EverythingUnderTheSun.pdf

Solar Oven and recipes  .https://www.sunoven.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/EverythingUnderTheSun.pdf

More important information  http://prepared-housewives.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/everything-under-the-sun.pdf

Extra  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOLuIApyNPc